20 February 2008

Comment is free

After being bugged and told that I should, I'm going to make another attempt at blogging. I've lost count of the number of times that I've tried to do this now and I'm making no promises on the success of this attempt.

The reasons for another attempt:
  • People actually read the last blog (apparently)
  • It will help improve my writing skills
  • It will force me to keep up to date with current affairs
  • It will help me develop my own opinion on issues and further educate myself
Those of you that were familiar with my past attempts will remember the WordPress install that I custom hosted. This time round, for now at least, I'm going to use Blogger. It's quick and easy and that means I can get the content out quick and easily. I'll hopefully spend more time posting than editing the themes and playing with the HTML.

For the most part I'm going to try and attempt to blog about current affairs issues. I don't want to bring any personal stuff in to this - I'll keep that to Facebook - and I want to try and give people something remotely interesting to read. If no one does read this, then so be it - hopefully I'll get something out of my writing.

Having learnt from past experience, I'm not going to set myself any wild targets like "one post per day". That very quickly became a chore when there was nothing I particularly wanted to comment on and I will get lazy. Because of this, I'm going to aim for a minimum of one post per week, or a post on anything major in the headlines that grabs my eye.

I'll keep this one short. Keep checking back, or subscribe to the feed, and hopefully I'll deliver some content.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
